Engine Room Full Mission Course – ERS (Basic)
This course is primarily intended and developed for marine engine officers to familiarize and train new plant personnel before they are assigned to real plants, retrain experience operators to optimize the process for maximum economic performance, setting the normal operation condition and keeping an engine room watch with reference to STCW-Section A table A-III/1 & A-III/2 Mandatory requirements for Certification of Officers in charge of an Engineering watch. Watch Keeping arrangements and Principles who will be responsible and assigned to ocean going vessels as part of their skill development, to meet the expectation of the principal and to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the vessel.

Engine Room Simulator with ERRM (IMO Model Course 2.07)
The course is primarily intended and developed for marine engine officers, comprise of a series of exercises structured around the operation of a ship’s machinery installation and carried out in conjunction with an engine-room simulator.

Main Engine Maneuvering System Simulator Course
The course is designed to familiarize the trainees on basic principles of the pneumatic and hydraulic system, main engine starting and maneuvering control system including fault analyzing and troubleshooting of the Nabtesco main engine control system.

Electric and Electronics Course
This course, Electric and Electronic Course forms part of IMO Model Course 7.04, Function 2 aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiency in Table A – III / 1 of STCW 1995 for the function Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering at the Operational Level.

Boiler Combustion Control Course
The course is intended for Second, Third Engineer and OIC-EW License holder. The training aims to understand operation and familiarize on basic sequences of the burner control system as well as the basic control system parts, symbols and circuit diagram reading and troubleshooting.

Fuels and Lubricants for Engine Officers
The course is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the trainees in bunkering procedures and calculations, chemistry of petroleum, properties of hydrocarbons, principles of lubrication, properties of lubricants, test methods and treatment on crude oil and lube oil.

Marine Auxiliary Machinery
The course is intended to enhance the skills, knowledge, understanding and proficiency required by the principal and a campaign for safe operation of the vessel, in accordance with IMO Model Course 7.04 Module 23 and STCW Requirements.

Marine Electro – Technology Course
The course, Marine Electro-Technology Course, forms part of IMO Model Course 7.04, Function 2 aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiency in Table A – III/1 STCW 1995 for the function Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering at the Operational Level. This syllabus covers the requirements of the 1995 STCW Convention Chapter III, Section A-III/1. This functional provides the detailed knowledge to support the training outcomes related to Electrical Electronics and Control Engineering at the Operational Level. This section provides the background knowledge and practical work to support basic electricity, electronics and lighting control system.

Gas Welding Course
Designed for engine personnel to enhance their knowledge and skills in gas welding for in the event of a breakdown of the unavailability of suitable spares; some parts may be modified or even manufactured on board. This course forms a part of the requirement of the 1995 STCW Convention Chapter III, Section A-III/1.

Electric Welding Course
Designed for engine personnel to enhance their knowledge and skill in electric welding for in the event of breakdown or the unavailability spares; some parts may be modified or even manufactured on board. This course forms a part of the requirements of the 1995 STCW Convention Chapter III, Section A-III/1.

Lathe Machinery Course
Designed for engine personnel to enhance their knowledge and skills in lathe machine operation in the event of a breakdown or unavailability of suitable spares; some parts may be modified or even manufactured on board. This course forms a part of the requirement of the 1995 STCW Convention Chapter III, Section A-III/1.

Skills Enhancement Course (Engine)
This course is designed to upgrade the skills of Filipino seafarers before they board “K”-Line vessels. It will also enhance their present skills and abilities, and develop new skills so as to ensure maximum efficiency in the performance of their duties on board in accordance with the expectations of the principals.

Main Diesel Engine Overhaul Training I
This course is primarily intended for cadets, wipers, oilers, newly hired junior engine officers, and ex-crew who will be responsible and assigned to ocean going vessels as part of their skill development, to meet expectation of the principal and to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the vessel. The topics covered will provide general guidance and operation maintenance, overhauling, reconditioning and to describe the constructional features of a standard version of the above engine type. Furthermore, the course covers the assessment of trainees for various purposes of optimum efficiency, reliability and lifetime of the engine and its components will develop in accordance with the standard operation and maintenance.

Main Diesel Engine Overhaul Training II
This course aims to enhance the skills, knowledge, understanding and proficiency for the maintenance of the main engine that are required by the principal and a campaign for safe operation of the vessel. On completion of this course, trainees should possess sufficient knowledge and skills for the safe operation of the vessel. This course will provide the background knowledge on how to conduct proper scavenge space inspection; including visual inspections of piston and piston ring conditions; the proper way to take crankshaft deflections, measurements.

Main Diesel Engine Overhaul Training III
This course aims to enhance the skills, knowledge, understanding and proficiency for the maintenance of the main engine that are required by the principal and a campaign for safe operation of the vessel. On completion of this course, trainees should possess sufficient knowledge and skills for the safe operation of the vessel.

Marine High Voltage (MAHIVO)
This course, Marine High Voltage provides safe work knowledge, electrical risks management and development of safe working practices with High Voltage Systems onboard seafaring vessels and in accordance with the current international safe standards, rules and regulations.

Industrial Motor Control Course
This course Industrial Motor Control Course forms part of IMO Model Course 7.04, Function 2 aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiency in Table A-III/1 STCW 1995 for the function Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering at the Operational Level. This covers the requirements of the 1995 STCW Convention Chapter III, Section A-III/1. This functional element provides the detailed knowledge to support the training outcomes related to Electrical, Electronics and Control Engineering at the Operational Level. This section provides the background knowledge and practical work to support motor operation and control system.

Advance Welding Course
This course is designed to elevate the proficiency level of the No.1 Oilers in the maintenance and repair involving arc welding operation. It also envisioned to prepare the fitters/welders and other crew for promotion to No.1 Oiler.

Engine Watchkeeping Course
The course is intended to enhance the skills, knowledge, understanding and proficiency for ratings forming part of engineering watch, designed for a newly hired crew boarding their vessel and a campaign for safe operation of the vessel required by the principal and in lined to the training recommended in Chapter III, Regulation III/4, Chapter III Section A-III-4 and Chapter III/4 STCW-78 Convention amended in 1995.

M/E Engine Familiarization Training Course
Learning of the knowledge and technique of the concept, structure, operation and maintenance of Electronically (ME) Controlled Engine.
This course is intended for all Engine Personnel who will be joining vessel equipped with ME Engine.

Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officer (Function 1 – Marine Engineering at the Management Level)
This Function covers the mandatory requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiencies tor "Marine Engineering at the Management Level" as provided for under the 2010 STCW Manila Amendments, Regulation III/2 in relation to Section A-III/2, Table A-III/2 thereof. The topics were carefully selected following a course mapping based on the revised IMO Model Course 7.02 and the revised Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (BSMarE) program under CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 32, series of 2013, which now covers specific management level topics under this function.

Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officer (Function 2 – Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering at the Management Level)
This Function covers the mandatory requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiencies for "Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering at the Management Level" as provided for under the 2010 STCW Manila Amendments, Regulation III/2 in relation to Section A-III/2, Table A-III/2 thereof. The topics were carefully selected following a course mapping based on the revised IMO Model Course 7.02 and the revised BSMarE program under CMO No. 32, series of 2013, which now covers specific management level topics under this function.

Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officer (Function 3 – Maintenance and Repair at the Management Level)
This Function covers the mandatory requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiencies for "Maintenance and Repair at the Management Level" as provided for under the 2010 STCW Manila Amendments, Regulation III/2 in relation to Section A-III/2, Table A-III/2 thereof. The topics were carefully selected following a course mapping based on the revised IMO Model Course 7.02 and the revised BSMarE program under CMO No. 32, series of 2013, which now covers specific management level topics under this function.

Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officer (Function 4 – Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on Board at the Management Level)
This Function covers the mandatory requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiencies for "Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care of Persons On Board at the Management Level" as provided for under the 2010 STCW Manila Amendments, Regulation III/2 in relation to Section A-III/2, Table A-III/2 thereof. The topics were carefully selected following a course mapping based on the revised IMO Model Course 7.02 and the revised BSME program under CMO No. 32, series of 2013, which now covers specific management level topics under this function.

Updating Course Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officer (Function 1 – Marine Engineering at the Management Level)
Function 1 of this updating course covers the topics relating to the gaps that were identified in order for Management Level Marine Engineer Officers who were certified under the STCW'78 Convention, as amended in 1995 to meet the additional knowledge, understanding and proficiencies (KUPs) under the 2010 STCW Manila Amendments for "Marine Engineering at the Management Level".

Updating Course Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officer (Function 2 – Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering at the Management Level)
Function 2 of this updating course covers the topics relating to the gaps that were identified in order for Management Level Marine Engineer Officers who were certified under the STCW'78 Convention, as amended in 1995 to meet the additional knowledge, understanding and proficiencies (KUPs) under the 2010 STCW Manila Amendments for "Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering at the Management Level".

Updating Course Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officer (Function 3 – Maintenance and Repair at the Management Level)
Function 3 of this updating course covers the topics relating to the gaps that were identified in order for Management Level Marine Engineer Officers who were certified under the STCW'78 Convention, as amended in 1995 to meet the additional knowledge, understanding and proficiencies (KUPs) under the 2010 STCW Manila Amendments for "Maintenance and Repair at the Management Level".

Updating Course Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officer (Function 4 – Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on Board at the Management Level)
Function 4 of this updating course covers the topics relating to the gaps that were identified in order for Management Level Marine Engineer Officers who were certified under the STCW'78 Convention, as amended in 1995 to meet the additional knowledge, understanding and proficiencies (KUPs) under the 2010 STCW Manila Amendments for "Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care of Persons On Board at the Management Level".

Updating Training For Officer In Charge Of Engineering Watch (Function 1-Marine Engineering At The Operational Level)
This course covers and apply to the Updating Training for Officers in Charge of Engineering Watch on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750KW propulsion power or more and it shall apply to merchant marine officers who are currently holding Certificate of Competence (COC) as Officers in Charge of an Engineering Watch (OIC-EW) on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750KW main propulsion or more under Regulation III/1 of the STCW ’78 Convention as amended in 1995.

Updating Training For Officer In Charge Of Engineering Watch (Function 2-Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering at the Operational Level)
This course covers and apply to the Updating Training for Officers in Charge of Engineering Watch on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750KW propulsion power or more under Regulation III/1 of the STCW ’78 Convention as amended in 1995.

Updating Training For Officer In Charge Of Engineering Watch(Function 4-Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on Board at the Operational Level)
This training program entitled “Updating Training for officers in Charge of an Engineering Watch” on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 KW propulsion power or more was developed to comply with the requirements under paragraphs [4] and [5] of Regulation I/11 (Revalidation of Certificates) of the 2010 Manila Amendments to the 1978 International Convention and Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW’78 Convention) as amended.

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