Health Care Seminar
The course is aimed at providing valuable information on healthcare and maintenance which will help participants make the right courses of action to improve & maintain personal health and well-being.

Real Danger Sensing Course
The course is intended for the participants to experience the real dangers on the different shipboard works thru simulated activities and to strengthen their safety awareness in the observance of good safe working practices on board ships.

Teamwork in Cultural Diversity
Part I of the Cultural Diversity and Teamwork Course is designed to provide Filipino Deck and Engine Officers and Ratings an orientation on the various cultural background and values systems of their Japanese, Indian and Bulgarian officers and fellow seafarers on board “K” Line vessels. The course likewise provides the opportunity to revisit Filipino culture and discusses in depth positive Filipino values that which facilitate personal effectiveness and global competitiveness.

People Handling Skills
Course was designed to :
Help the trainee understand his role as a leader and as such will effective in the discharge of his duties as an officer on board vessel.
Acquire a broader understanding of the nature and motivation of the people which can help promoting harmony among the crew on board.
Acquire knowledge and skills in handling various type of people and be able to resolve interpersonal conflict among the crew

E.Q. in the Workplace
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in Improving Interpersonal Relations in the Workplace Course is designed to enable participants to recognize and apply the positive behaviors that bring about improvement in building relationships using the framework and principles of EQ.

Upcoming Events
TUE JUL 12, 09:00 AM
KLMA Philippines, Pasay